Payload examples for send template message
Sending a message with only text
Sample Payload :
"medium": "whatsapp",
"contactIdentifier": "+919900900900",
"payload": {
"templateId": "2iUKSaBPsoer1rUE33aW",
"components": {
"body": [
"USER_NAME", "565656"
Sending a message with only image + text
"contactIdentifier": "+919999999999",
"medium": "whatsapp",
"payload": {
"templateId": "hHflM320sgf6VANSF1Ow",
"components": {
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"body": [
Sending a message with text + CTA
- You can also optionally add an image to the message
"contactIdentifier": "+919999999999",
"medium": "whatsapp",
"payload": {
"templateId": "hHflM320sgf6VANSF1Ow",
"components": {
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"body": [
"button": [
"type": "URL",
"index": 0,
"data": ""
Sending a message with carousel
"contactIdentifier": "+919999999999",
"medium": "whatsapp",
"type": "CAROUSEL",
"payload": {
"templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
"components": {
"body": ["Test message."],
"carousel": [
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"body": [
"button": [
"type": "URL",
"index": 0,
"data": ""
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"body": [
"button": [
"type": "URL",
"index": 0,
"data": ""
Sending a message with copy code
"contactIdentifier": "+919999999999",
"medium": "whatsapp",
"type": "DEFAULT",
"payload": {
"templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
"components": {
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"body": [
"button": [
"type": "URL",
"index": 0,
"data": ""
"type": "copy_code",
"index": 1,
"data": "test data"
Sending a message with LTO
"contactIdentifier": "+919999999999",
"medium": "whatsapp",
"type": "DEFAULT",
"payload": {
"templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
"components": {
"header": [
"type": "image",
"data": ""
"type": "limited_time_offer",
"data": "123456789000"
"body": [
"button": [
"type": "URL",
"index": 0,
"data": ""
"type": "copy_code",
"index": 1,
"data": "test data"
BikTemplateMessagePayload Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
templateId | string | Required | Whatsapp template id |
components | BikTemplateComponents | Required | Components details |
BikTemplateComponents Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
header | BikTemplateHeader[] | Optional | List of header |
body | string[] | Optional | List of messages |
button | BikTemplateButton[] | Optional | List of button |
limited_time_offer | BikTemplateButton[] | Optional | Limited time offer buttons |
BikTemplateHeader Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
type | string | Required | type(image , video , document , text ) |
data | string | Required | text or url |
fileName | string | Optional | only for document type |
BikTemplateButton Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
type | string | Required | type(URL , MPM , copy_code , catalog , limited_time_offer ) |
index | int | Required | Button index |
data | string | Required | text or url |
Don't pass Button object if button type is MPM
BikCarouselMessagePayload Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
templateId | string | Required | Whatsapp template id |
components | BikCarouselComponents | Required | Carousel components details |
BikCarouselComponents Type
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
body | string[] | Required | Carousel header texts |
carousel | BikTemplateComponents[] | Required | List of carousel card |