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You can use the get products API to get the catalogs details.

Request parameters

productIdsstring[]RequiredList of product ids

Request Information

Http requestPOST

Sample request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic AUTH_TOKEN' \
--data '{
"productIds": ["8459368759596"]

JSON response example:

"status": 200,
"success": true,
"data": {
"products": [
"image": "",
"publishedAt": {
"_seconds": 1689587428,
"_nanoseconds": 0
"variantIds": [
"name": "Ocean Blue Shirt",
"currency": "INR",
"handle": "ocean-blue-shirt",
"id": "8459368759596",
"photos": [
"photoUrl": ""
"minPrice": 50,
"maxPrice": 50,
"vendor": "partners-demo",
"discount": 0,
"tags": "men",
"description": "<p>Ocean blue cotton shirt with a narrow collar and buttons down the front and long sleeves. Comfortable fit and tiled kalidoscope patterns.</p>",
"catalogs": [
"name": "Pendants",
"id": "453047615788"
"name": "Bottles",
"id": "473936298284"
"catalogIds": [
"combinations": [
"quantity": 2,
"discountedPrice": 50,
"productId": "8459368759596",
"price": 50,
"custom": "Default Title",
"name": "Default Title",
"options": {
"Title": "Default Title"
"id": "45719281008940"
"options": [
"name": "Title"

Response parameters

statusnumberResponse status
successbooleanIs successful response or not
dataBikProductsList of products

BikProduct Type

idstringProduct ID
namestringName of the product
descriptionstringProduct description
imagestringProduct image
handlestringProduct handle
variantIdsstring[]List of variant ids belongs to current product
currencystringCurrency of the country
photosBikPhoto[]List of photos
minPricenumberMinimum price of the product
maxPricenumberMaximum price of the product
discountnumberDiscount if any
tagsstringProduct tags
catalogsBikCatalog[]List of catalogs this product belongs to
catalogIdsstring[]List of catalog ids this product belongs to
combinationsBikCombination[]List of product combinations

BikPhoto Type

photoUrlstringProduct photo

BikCatalog Type

idstringCatalog id
namestringCatalog name

BikCombination Type

idstringCombination id
namestringCombination name
customstringCombination custom name
productIdstringProduct id
pricenumberCombination price
discountedPricenumberCombination discount price
quantitynumberCombination quantity available


Error CodeMeaning
400Invalid payload -- Your request is invalid.
401Unauthorized -- User is not authenticated.
404Not Found -- The specified API could not be found.
500Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

Error response example:

"status": 400,
"errors": [
"message": "'productIds' is required."